
Showing posts from January, 2019


How are individuals and social groups represented? In Stranger Things individuals are split into different social groups, which is mainly organised through different age groups. For instance, Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas represent one social group of younger teenagers who ironically are more clued-up on the unusual happenings of their small town. This pattern continues as the social groups get older, so secondly the older teenagers, predominately Nancy and Steve help to represent a very stereotypical social group. For instance, Nancy is represented as a studious character who is interested in her education however can also be influenced by other representations such as Steve's character. He is represented as a 'high school jock', interested in sports and girls, with a lesser interest in his studies. This teenage social group are less involved with the unusual goings-on however they soon become more involved. Whereas the final social group who are represented, the adults a...


minor or major character? conform to any stereotypes? what are the characteristics? what is their contribution to the narrative? Joyce Byers major charcter conforms to the stereo types that; she struggles as a single mother, despises her husband who left her, worries about her son. Upset, emotional, worried, panicked.  Reports to the police that her son is missing.  Jim Hopper  Major character Conforms to the stern types that; men are messy, men are lazy, depressed due to the death of his daughter.  Grumpy, Lazy, Layback, chilled  Leading the search for Will Byers, sub plot of his daughter dying  Mike Wheeler  Major character  Conforms to the stereotypes of: childhood, youth, innocence, boyhood Naive, determined to find his friend, immature One of wills best friend so goes in search of him, also finds eleven in the woods. Sub plots of his family life at home.  Dustin Henderson  Major character ...


Genre Long Form TV Drama is a media form with specific codes and conventions that help us recognise it as such. 1. What are the formal codes and conventions of Long-Form TV Drama?  Within long form TV drama there are often minimal central characters unlike soap television where many characters are included within the  main plot. The main plot of a long form TV drama is typically an issue which needs to be resolves, as well as smaller sub-plots which run along the main plot line. Long form TV drama also has multiple episodes in each season, usually at least ten episodes. These seasons  do sometimes run into each other, with plots linking u, however story lines can also be limited to a season. Even though the title refers to television, long form TV dramas are also shown on streaming services such as Netflix. Typically, long form TV dramas open with an establishing shot, or an extreme long-shot, which show an environment that will later be revealed. ...


Who was the political dispute between? The United States and its allies against the Soviet Union and its satellites They didn't battle directly, however dispute was shown  through political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations How long did it last? began in 1945 straight after the end of WW2 lasting for approximately 45 years How did it affect everyday life for the residents of those countries involved? created strong anti-communism in the USA created a fear of war in the USA affected the American citizens economically as taxes were increased created a divide within Germany  How was Germany divided? in 1945 Allies began organising their respective occupation zones in Germany Americans occupied the South Britain occupied ...