
Showing posts from December, 2018


Key areas of representation -  Age (teenagers) school environment  younger through to older  Family parent figures  siblings (older and younger) Sci-Fi genre  darker / mysterious scenes  unnatural 'creatures'  Gender introduced to a group of boys  female lead characters are later introduced Links with the 80's  - films from the decade of a science-fiction genre ET Close Encounters of the Third Kind Blade Runner The Thing  The Terminator Back to the Future  Robocop The Fly  Tron Aliens  Links between ET & Stranger Things -  moody torchlight searching kids on bike outrunning a government organisation  Eleven explores Mike's home with the same naivety as ET  the disguise given to Eleven to blend her in at school is similar to what happens when Gertie gives ET a make-over  children from a small town bef...