E.g. Arctic Monkeys (alternative) 

  • The band have used one main image on their website, this then fades out into a black coloured background. This image used is quite complex and so may be understood in multiple ways; it creates almost a puzzle-like concept with layers creating different shapes. The bottom on the image looks like it may be part of a DJ's set, possibly referencing that their new album may use modern producing techniques. The fade out of this image goes down in a layered formation, creating the aesthetic that the image is stood on a stage. 
  • The text used on this website is very minimal, with the artists name not even present. As well as this, the font used is quite alternative, creating a futuristic theme. The text is set against a black background and so is shown in an off-white/cream colour which links in to the main image. Some of the text has also been written in black and so this has been placed in a box of the opposing colour.
  • At the top of page, it shows Arctic Monkeys more modern logo which links in with the new release of the album 'Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino'. This is a very simplistic logo, using a geometric shape which is repeated, again with the same layers shown in the main image. 
  • The website also includes audio-visual content, the promotional video for the bands upcoming album; this also carries on the overall theme of the website.  
  • Finally, the layout of this website all helps to add emphasis onto the main image shown, with all the elements centered to this image. The title of the album is also positioned underneath the main image which again, helps to draw attention to the center of the website.     

E.g. Macklemore (rap/hip-hop)

  • This artists website uses one image which fills the entirety of the screen; this image shows a side on low angle image of an old-fashioned American car which helps to represent Macklemore as a vintage-inspired artist. This image also includes the artist himself, centered to the image, shown leaning against the car, looking straight to camera. The image also has a graininess to it which again helps to represent the vintage theme Macklemore is conveying through his image.
  • On this website there are three different fonts which have been used, firstly the main title of the newly released album is shown in a slanted font which also conveys an American style with the style of lettering used. This same font is then used for the artists name shown above, however this is of a smaller text size as well as being straight standing rather than slanted. The other text shows links to parts of the website such as 'shows' and 'merch', these are also in a simpler font compared to the main titles. 
  • This particular artist uses his name as a logo, this is shown at the top of the page, with the text made clearer by using a white font against a darker background. 
  • The website also has a link which takes you to the music video of one of the singles on the album, this use of audio-visual content helps to sell the artist to those who maybe haven't heard any of the produced tracks. 
  • The website has used a simplistic layout with the colours of the background helping to split the image into sections. For instance, the top menu is shown as an overlay to the main image, with the text options then placed on top of this. The other elements are all positioned around the image, with the titles placed either side of the artist, along the front and back of the car. 

E.g. Dan Caplen (pop) 

  • No images are used in this website, with only audio-visual content shown on the home page, with a link to a featured music video. 
  • The text used is also very minimal, with only the artists name, and three other links to other sections of the website. These all use the same font which is very simplistic and uniformed. For the main title, the spacing between the lettering is increased helping to spread out the artists name across the width of the website. All this text is shown in white, contrasting with the black background. 
  • At the top of this website the artists logo is centered, this  consisting of Dan Caplen's initials over a rectangle, creating a similar look to logos of record labels. Again, this helps to continue the simplistic theme which is present throughout the entirety of the website. 
  • The layout of this video shows all the aspects to be centered, with the same sized gaps between each section. This creates a straightforward looking website with all the information shown in a clear format.


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